Thursday, December 16, 2010

At readings

Attending readings is a good way to stay in touch new writing and new writers. It’s also a good way to stay in touch with friends and make new ones. Recently, I met Pratap Reddy at a reading. He told me he has published a short story on Maple Tree Literary Supplement. Read the story here. Ramki and the New Christmas Tree

A week or so later, at the Small Press of Toronto readings, I met Jasmine D’Costa, Fraser Sutherland, Gemma Meharchand and Ava Homa. Jasmine had new material to read, Fraser read poems from his acclaimed new collection and Ava read the Glass Slippers, the best story in her exquisite collection Echoes of Other Land. What I like about the story is Ava’s non-judgemental narration and a brilliant eye for detail.

Later this month, I’ll brave the cold and Sunday lethargy when I attend Michael Frazer ‘s Plasticine Poetry Series because this edition features Dawn Promislow. Dawn will read from her collection Jewels and other stories.

I attend these book readings and book events to achieve twin objectives – to get new material to write my blog and to be inspired by new writers who have successfully achieved what I’m aiming to achieve – to become a published author.

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