Saturday, December 22, 2012

The ACE Principle - Murali Murthy

A good teacher is not necessarily one who knows her subject well; she’s one who is able to engage her students into the learning process by making the dense and the dull exciting and accessibly. Often, the distinction between a brilliant and a good teacher is the ability to communicate.

Murali Murthy is a communicator par excellence. His felicity at transforming complex ideas into simple factoids makes his ACE Principle an immensely readable book. What Murali says in the book may not be new but the way he says it is completely unique. He brings diverse ideas together and organizes them into a cohesive action plan to change one’s thinking and approach to life and living. And he illustrates every idea of his with plenitude of examples.

The ACE Principle is a life guide to 15 Success Principles to Absorb Comprehend Excel in Every Area of Life.  For each of the 15 principles, Murali gives a three point action plan. Together, the principles and the action plan form a comprehensive strategy to evaluate one’s life and try to reorient one’s thinking to achieve success. Each principle is illustrated by a biographical example that illustrates success in achieving that particular principle.

The simplicity and the effective way in which the message is conveyed belie the complexity of the structure of the book. It also reveals the multiple levels at which the author has marshaled his arguments, weaving a myriad web of ideas.

The book (re)introduces us to simple principles that we have known all along, but didn’t really think of putting them to form a strategy. I haven’t read a book that is as useful as the ACE Principle in a long time, and I don’t say this because Murali is a friend. It’s a genuinely good work guide to success. I also strongly recommend it to newcomers to Canada, who have to restart their lives and careers from scratch.

The book is published by Friesen Press. You may buy the book here:  ACE Principle

The 15 principles with their action plans are:

Be hungry – desire success
Staying focussed on the end reward
Creating more opportunities
Practicing self-discipline

Be focused – set goals
Committing to a specific goal
Taking action
Believing failure is not an option

Be proactive – Take initiative
Staying in control
Building momentum
Vanquishing fear

Be disciplined – Master habits
Loving what they do
Making it happen
Being patient

Be tenacious – build resilience
Impossible is nothing
Building the will power muscle

Be responsible – take charge
Taking 100% responsibility
Knowing what they want
Productive actions

Be imaginative – dream big
Dreaming big long enough
Exercising the power of the spoken word
Excuses versus results

Be moneywise – control finances
Living within their means
Focusing on net worth
Planning ahead

Be choosy – associate right
Being around the right people
Getting a mentor
Excelling at networking

Be sharp – stay teachable
Ability to be a sponge
Aligning with a pro
The ABC of success

Be assertive – display posture
Moving fast on opportunities
Keeping a positive attitude
Building a credible personal brand

Be high quality – deliver excellence
Constant self development
Managing time efficiently
An attitude of gratitude

Be leading – exercise influence
Thinking like one
Acting with prudence
Servant leadership

Be bold – demonstrate courage
Acting to impact
Stepping up and claiming it

Be happy – celebrate life
Believing that it’s not what happens, it’s how we react
Building a healthy mind and healthy body go hand in hand
Identifying a life purpose and celebrating life

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