Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Access India - Murli Nedungadi

The forces of globalization have fundamentally changed the way we do business. It wasn’t so long ago that our clients were in nearby cities or maybe other provinces or states. Now they can be across the world in unfamiliar markets. These emerging markets are the main sources of economic growth. To succeed, Canadian entrepreneurs have to be there.

Among the most important of these bourgeoning economies is India. Over the last two decades, India has been one of the fastest growing large economies in the world. Despite the tremendous opportunity this presents, India can be a daunting destination for the uninitiated. Its 28 states, 7 territories, 15 major languages, hundreds of dialects, several major religions, tribes, castes and sub-castes make up a country that is tremendously diverse and complex.

That is why Murli Nedungadi's book is a must read for any entrepreneur looking to venture to India. Written with a clear love for his native country, Access India is rich with practical advice and informed insight about the people and culture of India. And with Prime Minister Stephen Harper recently stating that "the Government is putting India at the centre of Canada's Asia policy," Murli's book is timely and even more significant. Murli has generously share his knowledge and experience about how to do business in India.

Read it from cover to cover or use it as a handy reference guide to answer questions as they arise. The richness of the material is in the way Murli has integrated the key things you need to know about travelling and doing business in India. It is an excellent base of knowledge, one that could only come from someone who has experienced India from inside and out. I am certain that it will save you time, money and effort.

As India evolves and its story gets written, Canadian business can be a valuable contributor. Opportunities abound in this immense country that is transforming due to economic liberalization, technology and a growing urban middle class. Canadian entrepreneurs have the capacity to participate. Access India makes taking that step a little easier.


Postcard from India

It is not unusual for Indo-Canadians to promise their Canadian friends that their friends or relatives in India will do them a favour. In the case if my client, George, his friend had, in all good faith, asked his cousin if he could help. Turning down a request, especially from family, is a no-no and so the cousin had agreed to help to make his relative happy and to save him face. If the relative is also an entrepreneur, he will also hope there might be a business opportunity in it for him. Of course, when the time comes for the relative to deliver, he may decide he has neither the time nor contacts as promised.

It is quite typical in India, where families are large and share common interests, to refer business to relatives, even when they are not really up to the job. While the Canadian businessperson should be appreciative of the contacts, he or she should avoid being completely dependent. If you want service, you need to pay for it. A network of contacts is important but developing it takes an investment of time, money or both 

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