Saturday, February 28, 2015

Parables of Sri Ramkrishna Paramhans


Once a man went to a certain place to see a theatrical performance, carrying a mat under his arm. Hearing that it would be some time before the performance began, he spread the mat on the floor and fell asleep. When he woke up all was over. Then he returned home with the mat under his arm!


Once upon a time two friends were going along the street when they saw some people listening to a reading of the Bhagavata.

“Come, friend,” said one to the other, “let us hear the sacred book.”

So saying he went in and sat down. The second man peeped in and went away. He entered a house of ill fame. But very soon he felt disgusted with the place.

“Shame on me!” he said to himself. “My friend has been listening to the sacred word of Hari; and see where I am!”

But the friend who had been listening to the Bhagvata also became disgusted.

“What a fool I am!” he said. “I have been listening to this fellow’s blah-blah, and my friend is having a grand time.”

In course of time they both died.

The messenger of death came for the soul of one who had listened to the Bhagvata and dragged it off to hell. The messenger of God came for the soul of the one who had been to the house of prostitution and led it up to heaven.

Verily, the Lord looks into a man’s heart and does not judge him by what he does or where he lives.


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