Anubha Mehta |
Peacockin the Snow is a debut novel by Anubha Mehta and is being launched by Inanna
Publications and International Festival of Author’s Toronto Lit Up on 28
September 2018. It has been selected as the most anticipated books to read for
Fall 2018 by the 49th Shelf.
us about your journey that led you to write Peacock in the Snow
This is a journey of the girl who was healed by her story.
This journey started some 18 years ago when my husband and I immigrated to
Canada on a whim! We were as taken-aback at our foolishness of leaving a
reasonably cushy life in Delhi for no dire necessity to move, as were our
friends and family.
Taken-aback but not really surprised. While others
suspected, we both knew about that deep restlessness and insatiable curiosity
to explore and know more about the world. We also knew that these weren’t
generally the typical or sensible reasons for leaving a country of birth. But
here we were, snow beneath our slippery soles and icy draughts clawing our face
while forcing every facial muscle to pose a brave smile.
Canada of 18 years ago was very different from today. Our
immigrant struggles were not so much of getting our degrees converted or
breaking into our own professions but more around the pain of isolation from a
community that we left behind till we found another one, coping with a new
reality as a young family, dealing with a more equalizing society and then
learning to forgive and love this new land day by day with all its faults and
disappointments as well as its contributions and gifts to us, not necessarily
all material in nature.
Peacock in the Snow:
Section III Forever, Life:
“It is in moments of hesitation, not clarity, that I find my
answers, my resolve
It is in darkness, not light that I can see clearly, I understand the truth
And it is in truth that I grasp ingenuity and find strength to embrace life”.
~ Copyright © Anubha Mehta 2018
But at a more immediate level, my journey of writing Peacock
in the Snow started some five years ago when I got a stomach ache that refused
to go away. After a few agonizing weeks of contemplating, I finally found my
I found that there were all these stories in me, stories
that were not mine, but stories that I had internalized. They belonged to
countless individuals that I had met, socialized with, confided-in, competed
and confronted, learnt from, sought, empathized and helped; and from the
countless places across the globe that I had visited.
These stories needed extracting, not through a painful
medical procedure, but by the simple act of putting pen to paper. So, for the
next few months that’s just what I did. I went into a frenzy and wrote them all
down. When I emerged, I realized that in my madness to write, I had forgotten
to take my medication. I didn’t need to anymore. I healed a little every time
another story spread itself in front of me. Was there a story line here? Yes,
there was!
did you write this book? Why is this book timely?
Peacock in the Snow lifts the veil on present life and times
of Canada and characters within this transitional time.
The complexion of mainstream Canada is changing. This new
class of newcomers who have immigrated in mass numbers (since 1990’s) and whose
profile and tastes, motivations and needs, are very different from what this
continent has seen before- originating from non-western countries, educated,
socially connected, internationally mobile, professionally astute and affluent.
They are less tolerant of structured racism, the chronic underemployment and
lack of opportunity for newcomers. They strive for equal access on the basis of
experience, qualification and merit. Peacock in the Snow is a story of one such
are the main themes that you like the readers to remember after reading your
Peacock in the Snow is a contemporary story of a modern
woman that amalgamates voice, adventure and magic. This book mixes
conversations, habits, and conventions of parallel lives from a non-western to
a western context.
Intrinsically, the reworking the concept of privilege has
been very powerful for me throughout this novel. Privilege can only be
decolonized when abstracted from wealth, gender and class and its associated
expectations or subjugations. For our protagonist Maya, her courage and peace
came, not from her advantageous social placement, but by the exact opposite,
her renunciation of it. So, until Maya reworked her privilege it did not lead
her to either freedom or happiness.
This book also talks about the ‘other side’ of issues and
isms, that fall within the shadows or silences of the noise. For example, when
women become gatekeepers of patriarchy from all shades of benevolent to hostile
or when sexism also affects sons who are trapped within its expectations to
live, act or behave in pre-ordained ways, at the cost of their own love or
dreams. Issues and isms are not contained within geographical boundaries. They
mutate and change colour, shape, form within the cultures and tolerance of
different countries and their people.
This novel and its protagonist mirrors the mood of today’s
woman readers in her various avatars. She is tired of handed-down definitions
of perfection and is compelled to be assertive in unprecedented ways, ways that
have not been taught. Her inadequacies are no longer seen as weaknesses but an
opportunity to grow, and her fear is accompanied with courage to risk
everything for her conviction. Our protagonist releases that hope for a better
tomorrow while validating similar struggles that we face in today’s world
conflicted with diverse beliefs, ethnicities, cultures, and expectations.
your writing process - did you seek guidance, inputs; did you have a mentor?
Alas, I have not been lucky enough to have worked with a
mentor till now. That would be one dream I would like to work towards. My
writing process has been more instinctive and unplanned. At a high level all
the multi-faceted experiences that I have been blessed with – in performing
arts, as a classical dancer, an instrumentalist, a theatre artist, in literary
arts- academic writing, journalism and fiction, poetry- went into the birth of
Peacock in the Snow.
Peacock in the Snow is being launched on 28 September at Ben
McNally Books (366 Bay Street, Toronto) at 6 pm.
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